Histological Study of the Thin Replacement Membrane of Human Tympanic Membrane Perforations

A histological study was done on the thin, nearly transparent replacement membrane of tympanic membrane perforations. Human tympanic membranes that were rejected for transplantation, were studied by light and electron microscopy. The abrupt reduction in thickness at the margin of the covered perforation, is entirely due to the reduction of the lamina propria. Even in the thinnest parts of the replacement membrane, a lamina propria is present, separated by continuous basement membranes from the epithelium and mucosa, and measuring no more than some 2-3 μm in thickness. This lamina propria consists of fibrils and interfibrillar matrix, but fibroblasts appear to be lacking. The epithelial layer does not contain basal cells, confirming the thesis that the upper layers are not generated by in situ proliferation, but that they have migrated from the periphery.