Intrauterine occupancy controls expression of the parathyroid hormone-related peptide gene in preterm rat myometrium.

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHRP) genes are members of a gene family. Whereas PTH is a classical peptide hormone, mounting evidence suggests that the PTHRP may have predominately local actions. We report here that the PTHRP gene is expressed in rat myometrium, with a major peak in PTHRP mRNA expression occurring in the 48 hr immediately preceding parturition. A similar peak in peptide content was found in tissue extracts by biological and immunological assays, but the PTHRP could not be detected in the peripheral circulation or in uterine vein plasma during late gestation. By in situ hybridization histochemistry, PTHRP mRNA was demonstrated in both the longitudinal and circular layers of smooth muscle but was absent in the endometrium. The rise in myometrial PTHRP mRNA in late gestation was dependent upon intrauterine occupancy; it was greatly reduced or absent in nongravid uterine horns. These findings indicate that the expression of the PTHRP gene in preterm myometrium is under the control of a local stimulus and suggest that the PTHRP may play a paracrine or autocrine role in the uterus during the antepartum period, possibly involving myometrial contractility.

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