La répartition et la dynamique des principales espèces arborescentes du Bois-de-Saraguay, Montréal (Québec)

Reciprocal factor analysis of data obtained from 70 stands in the Bois-de-Saraguay, points to drainage and succession – disturbance as the principal factors governing floristic composition. Successional vectors of the 11 most abundant tree species were also plotted on the ordination. The position of the vectors characterizes the species with regards to the two gradients which were identified. The shape of successional vectors allows the recognition of three classes. The first one includes those species showing an association pattern with other species, which hardly varies during the different growth phases. The second one groups together those with distinctly better reproduction in communities where they are scarce in the tree stratum. The third one regroups those which cannot maintain high densities in the intermediate strata of communities where they are common among trees and seedlings. However, further studies showed that the exact shape of the vectors is also related to abiotic variables, especially drainage modifications. A detailed analysis of these successional vectors allows a better understanding of what determines the occupancy of the study site by the species present. [Translated by the Journal]