I. Introduction. My interest in the Alpine Trias was first aroused by several geological excursions in Northern Tyrol during the summer of 1891. In response to a wish of mine to undertake some original research, it was kindly suggested by Freiherr F. von Richthofen, of the Berlin University, that I might make a detailed study of the Wengen and St. Cassian Beds in the valleys of Enneberg and Ampezzo in Southern Tyrol, and with these vaileys in particular the present paper deals. I shall ever regard it as a peculiar honour that, Freiherr von Richthofen, whose early work, ‘Geognostiscbe Beschreibung der Umgegend von Predazzo, St. Cassian, und der Seisser Alpe,’ still holds the highest place in the literature of the Southern Tyrol ‘Dolomites,’ guided me in my first attempt in Alpine geology, that he himself taught me the chief points at issue concerning the district between Schlern and Ampezzo, and gave me, in a short space of time, a far clearer insight into the work which lay before me than falls to the lot of most young geologists. In the course of my work during the two seasons of 1891–92, I have been led to extend somewhat my primary object, and to include some of the more interesting tectonic aspects of the whole group of Upper Triassic strata in the ‘Dolomite Alps.‘ My most grateful thanks are due to Herr Prof. von Zittel for the constant kindness he has shown me, and for his advice and encouragement during the two