Dual Therapy of Ovarian Cancer Using Measles Viruses Expressing Carcinoembryonic Antigen and Sodium Iodide Symporter

Purpose: MV-CEA is an oncolytic measles virus currently being tested in patients with ovarian cancer and whose propagation can be monitored by measuring blood carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels. MV-NIS is an oncolytic measles virus coding for the thyroidal sodium iodide symporter (NIS) whose propagation can be mapped by serial radioiodine imaging. Expression of both CEA and NIS genes from a single virus would combine sensitive, quantitative expression monitoring (CEA) with radioisotopic expression mapping (NIS). Because of the unfavorable replication kinetics of measles viruses expressing both CEA and NIS, we explored the feasibility of combining MV-CEA with MV-NIS for comprehensive virotherapy monitoring in ovarian cancer.