Serum Immunoglobulin Levels in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer (IgE, IgA, IgM, IgG)

In the present study, 226 patients with squamous cell cancer of the head and neck, who had had undergone no antitumor therapy, were examined pretherapeutically for serum immunoglobulin levels (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE). In cancer patients, significant elevations of mean levels of IgA and IgE were found in comparison to healthy controls (n = 100) and patients with chronic laryngitis (n = 63). IgG and IgM were in the range of the control groups. Levels above the upper limit were detected in 40.9% for IgE and 43.9% for IgA in the groups of cancer patients and in about 6% for both immunoglobulins in the control group. The group of patients with relapses in the follow-up were found to have pretherapeutically significantly higher levels of both IgE and IgA in comparison to those without evidence of disease for more than 6 months. These results point to the fact that determination of serum IgA and IgE levels in patients with head and neck cancer might be applicable as parameters for monitoring malignant disease, being additionally of some prognostic significance.