Zero-field splitting of the 4f7 state: A systematic investigation of Gd3+-M+ complexes in CaF2

In this paper we present an analysis of the results of various experiments [electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electric field effect (EFE) in EPR, and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR)] on orthorhomic Gd3+-M+ complexes in CaF2. From the detailed and systematic study of the series of complexes (M+=Li,Na,K,Rb,andCs), we obtain a consistent picture of the mechanisms giving rise to the zero-field splitting of Gd3+ in ionic materials, a problem that has puzzled scientists for a number of years. It appears that the zero-field splittings for the systems investigated can be explained in terms of a self-consistent polarizable-point-charge model using coupling mechanisms published in the literature. This conclusion is in contrast with those drawn by several authors in the literature and leads to a reconsideration of the merits of the polarizable-point-charge model.