Cerebrovascular disease in Hong Kong Chinese.

Our prospective study of cerebrovascular disease in Hong Kong confirms a previous clinical impression that stroke in the Chinese has a pattern different from that in Caucasians. We studied 540 patients (aged 20-70 years) with stroke. Computed tomography or autopsy was obtained in 86.1% and showed an increase in the proportion with lacunar infarction, striatocapsular infarction, and parenchymal hemorrhage relative to the frequencies in Caucasians. This increase in the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage occurs not only in semicomatose and comatose patients but also in alert patients (16.9%) and those with a lacunar syndrome (12.5%). Our findings suggest that cerebrovascular disease in the Chinese selectively affects small vessels, causing lacunes and hemorrhages. In future community studies on stroke prevalence, researchers should be cautious about interpreting similar prevalence rates as reflecting similar risk factors or pathologies.