Morphology of soma and dendrites of the giant fiber system in the sixth abdominal ganglion of the cockroach

This study, using the cobalt chloride technique, clarifies the origin of the giant axons in the cockroach, Periplaneta. Each giant axon in the ventral nerve cord arises from a single cell body located in the sixth abdominal ganglion. The position of the soma is always contralateral to the giant axon; it projects anteriorly. In six giant neurons, the axonic and dendritic branches are ipsilateral while the somata are contralateral. In two neurons, both the soma and the dendritic branches are ipsilateral while the axons are contralateral. The dendritic arborizations of the giant neurons form a dense and compact mass of neuropile in each half of the posterior and middorsal part of the ganglion where sensory fibers, primarily from the cercal nerves terminate. The relation of these findings to earlier electrophysiological studies is discussed.