The ultrastructural features of malakoplakia

The ultrastructural features of a case of disseminated malakoplakia are described and compared with available published cases. Generally macrophages were involved (although characteristic inclusions were seen in association with some plasma cells) and contained three types of cellular inclusion. These were (1) the phagolysosomes (2) an intermediate structure sharing features of the phagolysosome and the Michaelis-Gutmann (MG) body and (3) the MG body. All inclusions were delineated by unit membranes and their matrices (except those of large MG bodies) composed of membranous whorls and loops. It is suggested that these inclusions represent stages in the development of the MG body. Septate junctional complexes were observed between phagolysosomes and small MG bodies. These complexes may represent either a mechanism of organelle fusion or an abnormality of molecular organisation of the limiting unit membrane.