The Habbanite Isolate

Finger and palm dermatoglyphic data were collected from 278 males and 298 females who comprise 86% of the total Habbanite community in Israel. The analysis included determination of digit patterns, total ridge counts, the a–b ridge count, percent of true patterns on the palm, measurements of the atd angle, main line indices and the frequency of simian lines. The pattern intensity index of the Habbanites (13.13 ♂; 13.31 ♀) is similar to values found in Yemenites and in Ethiopians. Their TRC mean (137.12 ♂; 130.87 ♀) is somewhat lower than those found in European and Asiatic populations. Correlation of TRC and the a–b ridge counts between mothers and their offspring are consistently higher than between fathers and their children although the differences do not attain statistical significance. Two unusual configurations on the palms were observed: (1) arched loops in the hypothenar area with the concavity towards the radial side, and (2) absence of triradii b and c replaced by a single triradius in the 3rd interdigital area. These patterns all occur in related individuals and the pedigrees of their families are described.