Magnetic susceptibilities, their temperature variation, and exchange constants of NiO

The temperature variation of the magnetic susceptibilities of NiO for a powder sample and a single crystal has been measured from 4.2 to 700 K. The single crystal was stressed along a 111 direction on cooling through TN (=524 K) with successive stress magnitudes of 7, 30, and 42 bars, followed in each case by measurements of χ* [H parallel to a (111) plane with H=200 Oe] from 4.2 to 700 K. From the behavior of χ* with stress, a stress of 30 bars was found to be sufficient to completely remove the T domains. With the use of the data of initial powder susceptibility χp=(χ+2χ)3 and χ*=(χ+χ)2 at various temperatures, the temperature variation of χ and χ, the principal susceptibilities, is determined. After correcting for χvv and χd (the Van Vleck and diamagnetic susceptibilities) with χvv+χd=3.2×106 cm3/g, χ(TN)=8.8×106 cm3/g, χ(0)=6.8×106 cm3/g, and χ(0)=0 are determined. It is shown that the spin-wave theory correctly gives the ratio χ(TN)χ(0) and the temperature dependence of χ to about 200 K if the experimental value of the spin reduction ΔS=0.19 is used for Ni2+. From the experimental values of χ(TN) and TN and the use of random-phase-approximation Green's-function theory, the magnitudes of exchange constants for NiO, viz. J1=34 K and J2=202 K, are determined.