Diffuse X‐Ray Scattering from the Displacement Field of Point Defects in KBr Single Crystals

Diffuse X‐ray scattering from the displacement field of point defects in low temperature X‐irradiated KBr single crystals was measured. The distribution of diffuse scattered intensity in reciprocal space confirms the theoretical predictions of scattering from isolated point, defects. From absolute scattered intensities the double force tensors describing the long range displacement field of an interstitial anion and anion vacancy are derived. The volume changes per interstitial anion and anion vacancy are determined to be (2.5 0.2) atomic volumes and (0.7 ± 0.2) atomic volumes, respectively. The displacement field of the interstitial ion has tetragonal symmetry. Models for the interstitial ion configuration which are in accordance with this symmetry are proposed.
Funding Information
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft