Helping New Braille Readers: Effects of Spacing, Finger Locus, and Gloves

Braille words (Exp. 1) and individual braille characters (Exp. 2) were touched by 60 naive sighted observers while vision of the tangible patterns was excluded. The embossed code had to be matched against a visible representation of braille and letter equivalents. The reading of braille was aided by the use of large braille or standard braille with extra space inserted between characters. Reading was impaired when subjects were limited to the use of the fingerpad and were prohibited from employing the fingertip. Recognition was not altered by covering the hand with vinyl examination gloves. It was suggested that beginning braille readers might profit from extra space between the braille characters comprising words. Furthermore, the use of the more sensitive fingertip to explore braille patterns helped, perhaps by encouraging sequential identification of spatial information.

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