Experimental Study of Solvent Action of Versene on Urinary Calculi

The effects of a new chelating agent, versene, on urinary calculi was detd. 10% versene is a particularly effective solvent in vitro for the following types of calculi, viz., CaCO3 and mixed alkaline earth phosphates. It is also effective to a lesser degree in the dissolution of Ca oxalate calculi in pure or combined forms. Uric acid and urate calculi are not affected by versene soln. in various concns. Exptl. studies were undertaken to determine the toxic action of 10% versene (pH 7.2) on the lining membrane of the renal pelvis, ureter and bladder of dogs and rabbits; continuous irrigation of these structures for 4-6 hrs. produced demonstrable irritative action of the epithelial lining of the bladder, ureter and pelvis. Exptl. studies in dogs of the dissolution of calculi in vivo, i.e., retrograde irrigation of hydro-nephrotic pelves containing calculi, revealed approx. 25% dissolution of alkaline earth phosphatic calculi after 4 hrs.''irrigation with 10% versene but accompanied by irritation of the renal pelvis and papillae. Its potential clinical usefulness remains to be detd.