Purpose.: Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Hmong refugee populations in the United States face serious physical and psychosocial health issues. Literature on these populations is largely descriptive of illnesses and of cultural beliefs or behavior patterns related to illness. There is minimal literature linking beliefs and behaviors to the underlying cultural themes. The purpose of this paper was to search the literature for cultural themes from which culturally relevant health promotion strategies could be designed. Search Methods.: Literature was reviewed from the fields of health, social, and political science, history, and Southeast Asian folklore. Search methods included review of 147 writings from library and MEDLINE search and 123 interviews with refugees and key professionals in the field. This manuscript includes 106 selections as well as content from 93 interviews. Findings and Conclusions.: From the literature emerged two cultural themes common to these populations, kinship solidarity and the search for equilibrium. The use of these cultural themes as carriers of health messages is suggested. Examples of ways to link the message with the cultural theme are presented, including the use of folklore, recognition of cultural illnesses, and use of cultural knowledge in addressing new situations such as inner city urban survival. Cultural themes are a means of conveying health messages addressing such issues as transition in family structure, depression, and substance abuse.