Pink Bollworm 1 : Diapause Induction and Termination in Relation to Fluctuating Temperatures and Decreasing Photophases

Least-squares models were fit to data from 216 experiments on the effects of decreasing photoperiod and fluctuating temperatures on diapause induction and termination in pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders. The diapause induction model compared very favorably with field data collected from various locations in southern California and Arizona. The times required for termination of diapause in larvae reared from the diapause induction experiments increased under high fluctuating temperatures and short decreasing photoperiods, whereas long day length and low temperatures (within limits) decreased it. A model is proposed which links the results of the diapause induction and diapause termination studies and estimates the pattern of diapause termination the following spring.