Evidence for a schizophrenia vulnerability locus on chromosome 8p in the Irish Study of High-Density Schizophrenia Families

OBJECTIVE: This study was an attempt to replicate evidence for a vulnerability locus for schizophrenia and associated disorders in the 8p22-21 region reported by Pulver and colleagues. METHOD: The linkage sample of the Irish Study of High-Density Schizophrenia Families consists of 265 multiplex families containing 1,408 individuals. Fifteen markers covering 30 centimorgans on chromosome 8p were tested. Three statistical methods were used: two-point and multipoint heterogeneity lod scores and a multipoint nonparametric test. RESULTS: According to two-point heterogeneity lod scores, the strongest evidence for linkage was found for markers D8S1731 (maximum lod score = 2.00), D8S1715 (maximum lod score = 2.52), and D8S133 (maximum lod score = 2.08) by assuming a phenotypic definition of all psychiatric illness and a range of genetic models. According to multipoint heterogeneity lod scores, the strongest evidence for linkage (maximum lod score = 2.34), found by using a dominant genetic model and a broad defini...