The Influence of a Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa) Cover Crop on Weed Control and Corn (Zea mays) Growth and Yield

Influences of a hairy vetch cover crop and residual herbicides were examined in field corn in 1991 and 1992. Hairy vetch was seeded in mid-August and killed the following May with tillage, mowing, or glyphosate plus 2,4-D (no-till). These cover crop management systems were compared with a no-cover treatment. Residual herbicides including atrazine plus metolachlor applied PRE at three rates and nicosulfuron plus thifensulfuron applied POST at a single rate were compared within cover crop management systems. All cover crop management systems effectively controlled hairy vetch except mowing in 1992. The corn population was reduced in mow treatments containing uncontrolled vetch. Hairy vetch mulch suppressed some weeds in the no-till treatments in 1991, but more annual grass was noted late in the season with no-till into hairy vetch than with the no-cover treatments in 1992. Residual herbicide performance was similar across cover crop management systems, except for fall panicum control which decreased in some no-till systems. Unlike soil-applied herbicides, performance of POST herbicides was unaffected by cover crop management systems.