Cortical morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in A. costata, A. aculeata and A. baltica by combining light microscopy of living and stained (protargol, nigrosin-HgCl2-formalin and silver impregnation) specimens. The proter inherits the parental adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) apparently unchanged. In the opisthe the anlage of the AZM develops to the left of and posterior to the parental buccal cavity. During development several of the anteriormost ciliary units of the new opisthe AZM migrate anteriorly and from the opisthe anterior membranelles. The anterior and buccal membranelles of the AZM are fully homologous with the collar and lapel, respectively, of the AZM of Euplotes. An endoral apparatus forms just to the right of the posterior end of the AZM in the proter and the developing buccal structures of the opisthe. The left anteriormost cirrus (paroral cirrus) develops from a streak that first appears just to the right of the buccal cavity in the proter and to the right of the developing buccal structures of the opisthe. [Because of the importance of interpretation of morphogenetic patterns in clarifying taxonomic relationships and evolution, it is important to understand the precise ontogeny of the ventral ciliary organelles during cell division in Aspidisca.].

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