Measurement of enterolactone and enterodiol, the first mammalian lignans, using stable isotope dilution and gas chromatography mass spectrometry

Methods are described to extract and measure 2,3‐bis(3‐hydroxybenzyl)‐γ‐butyrolactone (enterolactone) and 2,3‐bis(3‐hydroxybenzyl)butane‐1,4‐diol (enterodiol) from physiological fluids. They are based on the use of stable labelled analogues of each compound as internal standards with end point assay being by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The methods were developed to quantify enterolactone and enterodiol in experiments designed to investigate the significance and source of these compounds in man and animals. Examples of studies on human ovarian blood and investigations of their excretion in urine following dietary manipulation are described.