On the Application and Evaluation of the Relocatable Diecast Ocean Circulation Model in Coastal and Semi-Enclosed Seas

To improve coastal and semi-enclosed seas modeling, a new DieCAST ocean Model has been developed. In application to the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), this model gives remarkably similar results to that obtained from the Sandia Ocean Model System (SOMS) and at a computational speed much faster than SOMS or other ocean models presently available. The results are supported by many GOM observations including GEOSAT rms sea-surface-height anomaly data; mean thermocline and empirical orthogonal functions; the evolution of vortex pairs in the western GOM; major Loop Current eddy shedding period; shed eddy size, phase speed, dispersion rate and vorticity; and detailed Loop Current and shed eddy structure. Finally, and a major advantage of DieCAST is its capability to be easily relocated to any geographical region of the globe. Preliminary applications in several regions such as the Mediterranean, South China Sea, Great Lakes, and Labrador Current are described.... DieCAST, Model, Relocatable, CAST, Ocean, Application, Evaluation, Coastal