Multiple Brain Abscesses Complicating Treatment of a Severe Burn Injury

Death after burn injury is usually due to complications, of which bacterial causes are dominant. We treated a patient with a burn injury who had the unusual complication of multiple brain abscesses, which were caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The patient, a 27-year-old man, had MRSA septicemia on day 9 and pneumonia on day 18. Hemiparesis, which was the first manifestation of brain abscesses, occurred on day 27. Although antibiotics were administered aggressively, the infection was never resolved, and the patient died on day 50. Brain abscesses and MRSA infection are still major problems in the treatment of burns. This is the first report of (metastatic) multiple brain abscesses complicating treatment of a burn injury. (J BURN CARE REHABIL 1992;13:446–50)

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