The utility of preliminary surveys to detect the cause of acute metalworking fluid hazards

This paper describes preliminary studies undertaken to optimize a later epidemiologic study, the aim of which was to identify a causative agent of adverse respiratory effects and dermatitis among production machinists. Two methods were used to rate coolant system hazards. The results of a voluntary plantwide questionnaire with an 18% participation rate showed that both dermatologic and respiratory symptoms were higher among machine operators than among maintenance or assembly workers, that symptoms were not more prevalent early in the week, and that dermatitis may be associated with smoking status; however, the questionnaire was not helpful in rating individual coolant system hazards. The hazard ratings provided by an in‐plant expert panel were strongly associated with a particular synthetic coolant containing an ethoxylated phenol; however, the resulting design for a later epidemiologic study could not be implemented due to changes in coolants used at the plant.

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