Abstract—The paper considers the effect of cyclic loading and loading rate upon fracture toughness characteristics of steels at room and low temperatures. It is shown that fracture toughness of a low‐alloy ferrite‐pearlite steel with 0·1% C (steel 1) and for 15G2AFDps steel of the same class (steel 2) are 2 to 2·5 times lower under cyclic loading (50 and 0·5 Hz) and dynamic loading (K̇= 1·5 × 106MPa √m s−1) than under static loading (K̇= 0·6 to 9 MPa √m s−1). For quenched and low‐tempered 45 steel at 293 K and for armco‐iron at 77 K fracture toughness characteristics do not depend on the loading condition. Macro‐ and micro‐fractographic investigations revealed a correlation between the plastic zone size and the length of brittle fracture areas which are formed in steels 1 and 2, and in armco‐iron during unstable propagation of the fatigue crack. Dependence of the decrease of the critical stress intensity factor under cyclic loading on the number of load cycles are obtained for repeating (R= 0) and alternating bending (R=−1) of specimens with a crack. A model for the transition from stable to unstable crack propagation is proposed involving crack velocity in the zone ahead of the crack tip damaged by cyclic plastic deformation. A new approach is suggested to the classification of materials on the basis of the sensitivity of fracture toughness characteristics to cyclic conditions of loading.