D1′ centers are less efficient than normal photosystem II centers

One prominent difference between the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center protein D1′ in Synechocystis 6803 and normal D1 is the replacement of Phe-186 in D1 with leucine in D1′. Mutants of Synechocystis 6803 producing only D1′, or containing engineered D1 proteins with Phe-186 substitutions, were analyzed by 77 K fluorescence emission spectra, chlorophyll a fluorescence induction yield and decay kinetics, and flash-induced oxygen evolution. Compared to D1-containing PSII centers, D1′ centers exhibited a 50% reduction in variable chlorophyll a fluorescence yield, while the flash-induced O2 evolution pattern was unaffected. In the F186 mutants, both the P680+/QA− recombination and O2 oscillation pattern were noticeably perturbed