Developing a Mechanized System for Production, Harvesting and Handling of Strawberries1

A completely mechanized system for production, harvesting and handling strawberries (Fragaria × anassa Duch.) for processing is described. Pre-harvest cultural factors, including bed preparation, plant population, harvest date and clonal evaluation and adaptability to mechanical harvesting, were studied for 4 years. ‘Cardinal’, ‘Earlibelle’, and Arkansas breeding line A-5344 were well suited for once-over mechanical harvesting under Arkansas conditions considering yield, quality, and organoleptic evaluation. Plant population densities in the matted row system used in this study generally had little effect on yield or quality, unless a clone was of low vigor and poor runner plant producer. As harvest date was delayed, quality and useable yield often decreased. However, a minimum of a 6 day harvest period for mechanical harvesting existed for the cultivars tested. The results of this study indicate that once-over mechanical harvesting of strawberries is feasible when the proper cultivar is grown on properly shaped beds with good cultural practices and adequate postharvest handling procedures.

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