Geometric phases in two-photon interference experiments

Photon pairs produced by type-I and type-II parametric down-conversion are passed through a Michelson interferometer. Two quarter-wave plates in one arm of the interferometer allow variation of the polarization state of the photons. We investigate experimentally the geometric phase or Pancharatnam phase acquired by single photons and photon pairs dependent on the solid angle that is subtended by the circuit that represents the varying state of polarization on the Poincaré sphere. It is found that the geometric phase acquired by the pair depends on the initial polarization state of the two photons. If both photons are in equal states of linear polarization, we observe a doubling of the geometric phase compared to single photons; in the case of orthogonal states of linear polarization, the geometric phase is completely canceled. Our results show the role of Pancharatnam’s phase in nonclassical two-photon interference phenomena and the interplay between the geometric phase and the dynamical phase in these phenomena.