This paper analyzes several factors that affect racing wheelchair propulsion. The basis of this paper results from experiments performed using five individuals who had traumatic spinal cord injuries. These individuals were asked to simulate sprinting and distance running while on a roller system equipped with an analog tachometer. The results of this study show the time spent in propulsion and recovery as has not been shown previously; the use of analog tachometer yields new information about racing wheelchair propulsion. The points of contact for each athlete’s strokes were recorded using a video camera. The point of contact with the push-ring and the application of force appear to coincide. In addition, some subjects displayed periods of constant velocity during the propulsion cycle. The mean percent propulsion times for this study were 66, 34, and 30% for the first stroke, the sprint test, and the distance test, respectively. The mean percent recovery times were 34, 66, and 70% for the first stroke, the sprint test, and the distance test, respectively.

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