Adsorption of Chloropicrin onto Humidified Activated Carbon Surfaces

Humidified activated charcoal samples have been exposed to chloropicrin-charged test atmospheres under controlled conditions of concentration, temperature, relative humidity and flow rate. The molar ratio of displaced water:adsorbed chloropicrin was observed to increase with chloropicrin loading. Estimates were made of the adsorption face areas and molecular volumes of the chloropicrin and water molecules. The ratios of adsorption face areas and molecular volumes were estimated as 3.4:1 and 7.7:1, respectively. Early in the sample challenge molar ratios up to about 3.4:1 were observed; it is proposed that these result from the adsorption of chloropicrin onto vacant sites or onto water monolayers with readsorption of water occurring elsewhere on the surface. As these pores become full, chloropicrin adsorbs in water-filled pores displacing water molecules of approximately the same total volume.