Polymerization of Olefins by a Ziegler Catalyst Supported on Poly(ethylene-co-Vinyl Alcohol)

The polymerization and catalytic behavior of a Ziegler type catalyst supported on poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) (EVA) were investigated. The rate of ethylene polymerization by a catalyst prepared from titanium tetrachloride supported on EVA (vinyl alcohol 18 mole %) and triethylaluminum (AlEt3) is much higher than that of an n-butoxytitanium trichloride (BTT)-AlEt3 catalyst. The polymer-supported catalyst has prolonged high activity during polymerization compared with the BTT-AlEt3 catalyst. The stabilization of the catalyst seems to depend on its slower reduction by alkylaluminum compounds, due to steric hindrance by bulky polymer ligands. Polypropylene prepared by the polymer supported Ziegler catalyst is essentially atactic, and it differs little from that prepared with a BTT-AlEt3 catalyst. Vinyl chloride was also polymerized by this catalyst. The catalytic activity was, however, very small.

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