Angiography in Tumor Diagnosis and Management

Lymphangiography was used in 67 patients to identify primary and secondary neoplastic and nodal involvement. Neoplasms studied included those involving the extremities, genitourinary tract, breast, alimentary tract and retroperitoneal area. This technic is helpful in the diagnosis of lymphoma. It may disclose involvement of lymph nodes at 1 level and not another, and may revel late involvement of nodes not originally enlarged. Completeness of node extirpation can be determined, and appropriate ports for radiation therapy identified. Selective arteriography was performed in 24 patients. Injections were made into the celiac axis, renal arteries, femoral arteries, superior thyroid artery and bronchial arteries. A tumor may be visualized by its displacement of normal arterial trunks, or by abnormal small vessels with tumor "strain" imparted by sluggish flow of the medium. Tumors of the liver, pancreas, kidney, femur, thyroid and lung were outlined. Bronchial arteriography promises to be helpful in the management of broncho-genie carcinoma. Venography was employed principally for determination of non-resectability of retroperitoneal and intrathoracic malignancies.