Effect of Parenteral Aspirin on the Gastric Mucosal Barrier in the Rat

Whether parenteral aspirin, like topical aspirin, injures the gastric mucosa by diffusely disrupting the gastric mucosal barrier to H ion back-diffusion was studied in the rat. Back-diffusion studies, including ion fluxes and lumenal potential difference, were performed in control situations and either 0.5 or 4 h after the i.p. administration of Na acetylsalicylate. Gastric mucosal lesions were scored. After 0.5 h, lesions developed but the barrier was intact. After 4 h, lesion formation was more severe and changes characteristic of diffuse barrier disruption, fall in potential difference and increased loss of H ion occurred. Since lesions occurred before evidence of diffuse barrier disruption could be detected, diffuse barrier disruption is probably a consequence rather than a cause of lesions.

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