Ewing's sarcoma in bones of the hands and feet: a clinicopathologic study and review of the literature.

Review of current data from the Intergroup Ewing's Sarcoma Study (IESS) shows that Ewing's sarcoma (ES) is rare in bones of the hands and feet. Only 12 of 377 evaluable patients in the first two IESS studies had a primary tumor in these small, distal bones. The age distribution was typical for that seen in patients with ES at other sites. Males were affected twice as often as females, and tumors in the bones of the feet were much more common than those in the hands. All signs and symptoms were local in distribution. As in other sites, the dominant histologic pattern was categorized as diffuse. With the exception of those patients with lesions in the calcaneus, the prognosis for disease-free survival was excellent. A literature review of cases of ES reported in bones of the hands and feet showed generally comparable results.