A Light and Electron Microscopical Study of a New, Polymorphic Free‐Living Amoeba, Phreatamoeba balamuthi n. g., n. sp.1

A new amoeba, isolated from well water in Gambia, West Africa, is described and named Phreatamoeba balamuthi n. g., n. sp. Requiring anaerobic conditions for growth, it is easily cultured monoxenically with Escherichia coli or axenically in complex, undefined organic media. Three phenotypes have been observed in the life cycle: an amoeba, a flagellate, and a cyst. The amoeba moves by monopodia, is predominantly multinucleate, and varies from 11 to 160 .mu.m in length. The flagellate has a single flagellum and is from 6 to 50 .mu.m long. The cyst is surrounded by a resistant wall that lacks pores and ranges from 9 to 18 .mu.m in diameter. The transformation from amoeba to flagellate can be induced nutritionally, the exact inducing factor(s) being unknown. Sexual reproduction has not been observed.