• 12 November 1999
We propose an extension of the supersymmetric standard model with right-handed neutrinos and a singlet Higgs field, and study the neutrino masses in this model. The Majorana masses for the right-handed neutrinos are generated around the supersymmetry breaking scale through the vacuum expectation value of the singlet Higgs field. This model may induce spontaneous R-parity violation via the vacuum expectation value of the right-handed sneutrino. In the case, the effective theory is similar to a bilinear R-parity violating model. There are two sources for the neutrino masses: one is this bilinear R-parity breaking effect, and the other is the ordinary seesaw effect between left- and right-handed neutrinos. Combining these two effects, the hierarchical neutrino mass pattern arises even when the neutrino Yukawa matrices are not hierarchical. We acquire appropriate masses and mixings to explain both the solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations.

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