Con A acceptor glycoproteins from the human Molt 4 (T cell leukaemia) and HeLa (endocervical adenocarcinoma) cell lines were purified by affinity chromatography and used for the preparation of rat antisera. Cross-absorption analysis showed that each antiserum contained antibodies which recognised cell surface antigens preferentially expressed by the donor cell line. Molt 4-associated antigens were fully expressed on T cell tumour lines and normal thymocytes, but not on non T cell tumour lines, peripheral blood lymphocytes or other blood cells. Immunofluorescence studies showed that the antigens were preferentially expressed on a sub-population of immature thymocytes. HeLa-associated antigens were only fully expressed on one other epithelial tumour cell in a panel of 17 cell lines. Immunofluorescence studies showed that the HeLa-associated antigens were expressed on normal endocervical adenoepithelium but not on ectocervical, endometrial or intestinal epithelia. Thus purified Con A acceptor glycoproteins of cultured tumour cell lines are potent immunogens for the generation of antibodies recognising lineage-associated differentiation antigens. These antigens should be useful in tumour classification and in the study of normal differentiation.