Genetic structure of Plasmodium vivax isolates in India

Variations in the allelic composition of glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI), NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) enzyme systems of Plasmodium vivax were observed in isolates of Indian origin in 1985–1993. No significant difference was observed in allelic frequencies in different years. The data indicated random distribution of GPI, GDH and ADA alleles among the isolates, suggesting that loci for these enzymes were not linked. A high proportion of the isolates comprised at least 2 genetically distinct clones, the mean number of clones per isolate being 1·4. There was no significant difference in the number of oocysts in Anopheles stephensi fed on uniclonal and multiclonal isolates. No difference was observed in the proportions of uniclonal and multiclonal isolates during low and high transmission periods.