Irradiated mesophyll protoplasts from nine different accessions of B. juncea, B. nigra and B. carinata, all resistant to Phoma lingam, were used as gene donors in fusion experiments with hypocotyl protoplasts isolated from B. napus as the recipient. A toxin, sirodesmin PL, was used to select those fusion products in which the resistant gene(s) was present. In the fusion experiments different gene donors, various irradiation dosages and toxin treatments were combined. Symmetric and asymmetric hybrid plants were obtained from the cell cultures with and without toxin selection. Isozymes were used to verify hybrid characters in the symmetric hybrids, whereas two DNA probes were used to identify donor-DNA in the asymmetric hybrids. Resistance to P. lingam was expressed in all symmetric hybrids, and in 19 of 24 toxin-selected asymmetric hybrids, while all the unselected asymmetric hybrids were susceptible.