Abscess of the myocardium in itself is not important, but it can serve to emphasize the significance of the underlying infection. The literature on the subject is scant. Most of the reports in the older literature consist of a gross description of the heart without any information on the clinical course, bacteriology or underlying cause. Attention has not been given to the clinical conditions which make up the causes of myocardial abscesses. Such an abscess is considered relatively rare, in most instances as a metastatic manifestation of overwhelming sepsis and of more theoretical than of clinical significance.1 Saphir2 stated that reports of abscesses in the myocardium are unusual, yet there seems to be no question that they occur quite often. As a matter of fact, he added, in every instance of pyemia abscesses may be expected in the myocardium. Since the introduction and widespread use of the sulfonamide