Charge-density-wave pinning and finite-size effects inNbSe3

We present a detailed experimental study of the effects of finite crystal size, impurities, and temperature on the properties of charge-density waves (CDW’s) in NbSe3. Finite-size effects in NbSe3 are controlled by the crystal thickness t. They are large in crystals of ordinary thickness, and remain signficant in high-purity crystals having thicknesses approaching 0.1 mm. In sufficiently thick Ta- and Ti-doped crystals, the threshold electric field ET for CDW depinning is independent of thickness and varies with the residual resistance ratio rR as ETrR1.9 and rR1.4, respectively. In thin crystals, ET increases with decreasing thickness as ET=K/t, where K is roughly proportional to the impurity concentration. ET is strongly temperature dependent. The fractional increase in ET as T→0 is independent of thickness but decreases rapidly with increasing impurity concentration. The divergence of ET near TP2=59 K is described by ET∝(1-RH/RL )0.95, where RH and RL are the high-field and low-field resistances, respectively. In extremely thin crystals (t<0.1 μm) near TP2, the sharp threshold vanishes and nonlinear conduction occurs at arbitrarily small fields.