A G-band (140 - 220 GHz) microstrip MMIC mixer operating in both resistive and drain-pumped mode

This paper presents the design and characterization of a G-band microstrip single-ended MMIC mixer in a 0.1 μm GaAs mHEMT technology. The mixer is measured in both resistive and drain-pumped mode of operation and a comparison between the two mixer topologies is made. Conversion loss versus RF and IF frequencies as well as loss versus applied LO power are presented in the 180 to 230 GHz band. The RF and IF 3-dB bandwidths are both limited by the measurement setup rather than the mixer itself and measures >30 GHz and >50 GHz, respectively. Both the bandwidths and frequency of operation are state-of-the-art for a MMIC mixer, regardless of technology. Applications include e.g. wireless transfer of very high data rates (>10 Gbps) and broadband radiometer front-ends covering several interesting frequency bands.

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