Effects of various melatonin treatments on plasma prolactin concentrations in the ewe

Ewes were treated with s.c. implants of melatonin in mid-April, mid-May and mid-June. From mid-June, other animals were given oral doses of melatonin daily at 16.30 h and another group was maintained under a short (8 h light: 16 h darkness) artificial photoperiod (lights out 16.30 h). Serial blood samples were taken from all animals in June and July. Plasma prolactin concentrations were significantly reduced in ewes treated in May and June (implant, oral and photoperiod treatments) but not in those treated in April. After treatment in June, prolactin levels were significantly suppressed after 7 days of oral and implant melatonin therapy, and after 28 days of a short artificial photoperiod. Melatonin treatment appeared more efficient than an artificial photoperiod in reducing plasma prolactin concentrations. J. Endocr. (1986) 108, 287–292