In Vitro Phagocytosis by Crevicular Phagocytes in Various Forms of Periodontitis

Phagocytes from the gingival crevice fluid (CF‐cells) of 11 patients with localized juvenile and post‐juvenile periodontitis (LJP/PJP), 14 with rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP), 11 with adult periodontitis (AP), and 14 controls without periodontal disease were examined. Phagocytic activity in vitro was assessed. Crevicular washings were obtained from healthy sites of controls and diseased sites of patients after completion of the oral hygiene phase (professional and home care). The cells were carefully processed to avoid mechanical damage. The in vitro phagocytosis by uptake of opsonized C. albicans was performed in a moist chamber (30 minutes, 37°C) and examined by light microscopy. CF‐cells were differentiated on the basis of their morphological appearance. The majority of cells in crevicular washings were PMNs, some macrophages, and few lymphocytes. Phagocytic activity in patients with LJP/PJP and RPP was significantly decreased in comparison with that from AP and the control group. The decreased percentage of cells phagocytosing opsonized C. albicans was associated with the enhanced adherence of opsonized C. albicans. Moreover cell viability of CF‐cells from LJP/PJP sites was significantly reduced. The data from the present study suggest that the in vitro phagocytosis of crevicular phagocytes in juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontitis lesions is diminished. J Periodontol 1992; 63:496–501.