Low-temperature transport, optical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties ofFe1xCoxSi

We report measurements of the electrical conductivity σ(T), the optical reflectivity R(ω,T), the low-field ac magnetic susceptibility χ(T,f), and the specific heat Cp(T) for polycrystalline samples of Fe1xCoxSi with 0<~x<~0.03 at low temperatures. Between 130 and 300 K the temperature variation of σ(ω,T) is consistent with that of a hybridization-gap semiconductor and is very similar for all samples. Below 50 K σ(0,T) strongly depends on the cobalt concentration x and dσ/dT decreases with decreasing x, changing sign from positive to negative in the range 0.01<~x<~0.02. For x<~0.0075 the dc conductivity σ tends to saturate below 0.1 K, indicating a semimetallic regime characterized by a very low density of itinerant carriers. For x>~0.01 the χ(T) curves show maxima at different temperatures Tf(x) manifesting a spin-glass-type freezing of magnetic moments below 1 K. The small values of Tf/x and the frequency dependences of Tf both suggest a weak magnetic interaction. The low-temperature specific heat Cp(T) contains a term γT that increases with increasing x from 2.1T mJ mol1 K1 for pure FeSi to 7.6T mJ mol1 K1 for Fe0.97Co0.03Si. Together with the results of the optical measurements this implies a respectable low-temperature mass enhancement of the itinerant carriers on the order of 30.

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