The role of temperate zone forests in the global carbon cycle

Recent growth and harvest trends in commercial timberlands of the temperate zone suggest that these forests have been serving as a net sink for about 1.0 × 109 to 1.2 × 109 t of carbon annually over the past 3 decades. This is 20 to 60% of the annual carbon release from combustion of fossil fuels over the period, indicating that recovery transients in temperate zone forests apparently have been partially dampening the increase in atmospheric CO2 caused by fossil fuel combustion and tropical forest reduction. Net forest growth is occurring throughout the temperate zone with principal carbon sinks found in North America and in Siberia. Timber inventories for North America show an excess of growth over harvest equivalent to over 5 × 1015 g of C since the 1950. Limited data suggest that in Siberia there is a large stock of slowly growing conifers that are underexploited, forming a sink equivalent to that of North America. Reafforestation in western Europe has expanded forest area by 5% since World War II. Similar recovery may now be occurring in temperate Asia. Problems of data reliability, particularly for the U.S.S.R., and the limited basis for estimating carbon balance in entire forests, suggest a severalfold uncertainty in the carbon sink estimates.