β-Uranium Hydride: Heat Capacities from 1.4 to 23 °K and Some Derived Properties

The heat capacity of the metallic, ferromagnetic compound βUH3 was determined from 1.4 to 23 °K. An attempt was made to fit the data at the lowest temperatures by an equation of the form Cp=γT+AT3+BT32, where γT is the contribution of the conduction electrons, AT3 is the lattice contribution, and BT32 is the magnetic contribution. The coefficient γ is 29±1 mJ °K2 mole1. Because of uncertainty in the magnetic contribution, no reliable estimate of A or of the Debye Θ could be made. The thermodynamic functions S, (HH0)T and (GH0)T were reevaluated as 63.67±0.13, 30.24±0.06, and -33.43±0.07 J (°Kmole)1, respectively, at 298.15 °K.