Why are you here at this conference? The answer is, in the words of former Surgeon General Leonard Scheely, “The world cannot afford to exist half healthy and half sick.” You are here because you have a special interest and special knowledge about one of the important causes of the difference between the sick and the well, namely iron deficiency. I am here on the other hand, I suppose, because of my age. There is a feeling that somehow a meeting has captured the past if you have someone who talks who has had a lot of experience, and it doesn't even matter on what topic the experience was gained. It is true that sometimes age does come with wisdom, but its also true that age sometimes comes alone. So, this morning I speak on behalf of age alone, and be careful about asking me for any nutritional advice. I had to finally go on two diets because I couldn't get enough food with one! I have often thought that for real dispersal of iron through the population, we ought to add it to gasoline because it has worked so well for lead.