Nationwide quality assurance of rectal cancer treatment

The purpose of this prospective study was to examine the influence of the efforts for nationwide quality assurance of rectal cancer treatment. The study focuses on local recurrence and overall survival.This study includes all 3388 Norwegian patients with a rectal cancer within 15 cm from the anal verge treated with curative intent in the period November 1993-December 1999. A comprehensive educational programme was established, and training courses were arranged in different Health Regions demonstrating the TME technique. A specific Rectal Cancer Registry enabled the monitoring of outcome of rectal cancer treatment for single hospitals. Radiotherapy was given to 10% of the patients.The risk of local recurrence has been significantly reduced, so that in 1999 the level was 50% below that observed in 1994 (Hazard ratio (HR)1999=0.5; 95% CI 0.4-0.8, P=0.002). Similarly, during 1998, the mean national overall survival was significantly improved, compared to the rate in 1994 (HR1998=0.8; 95% CI 0.6-1.0, P=0.014).The prognosis for rectal cancer can be improved by increased organizational focus on rectal cancer treatment and by establishing a rectal cancer registry monitoring treatment standards throughout the country.