Red blood cell volume and distribution after bleed-out in the rat as determined by Cr51-labeled red blood cells

The distribution of red blood cells after bleed-out was determined in 20 Nembutalized rats (307.1–484.4 gm body weight), using Cr51-labeled red blood cells. The normal red blood cell volume was 2.20 ± 0.25 ml/100 gm body weight. On the average 68.5% of the red blood cells were removed by the bleed-out. Per total tissue the muscle contained most of the red blood cell volume remaining after bleed-out and together with the liver and bone about 65%. Per gram of tissue the spleen had the highest red blood cell volume after bleed-out. The volume of red blood cells remaining in the spleen and kidney was the same as found by Riecke and Everett in unbled Nembutalized rats.